XBOX 360


All bonuses:
Enter Y buttonY buttonA buttonA buttonX buttonB buttonX buttonB button as a code to unlock all bonuses.
67% success rate 3 votes, 0 comments
All courts:
Enter B buttonA buttonA buttonX buttonA buttonY buttonB buttonA button as a code to unlock all courts.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
All characters:
Enter Y buttonX buttonX buttonB buttonY buttonX buttonA buttonA button as a code to unlock all characters.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
All I-Ball moves:
Enter A buttonY buttonY buttonA buttonX buttonB buttonA buttonX button as a code.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
All side games:
Enter B buttonX buttonY buttonA buttonA buttonB buttonB buttonX button as a code to unlock all side games.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
All breakdowns:
Enter A buttonA buttonB buttonX buttonX buttonY buttonB buttonY button as a code to unlock all breakdowns.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
All clothing:
Enter A buttonY buttonB buttonA buttonX buttonY buttonY buttonB button as a code to unlock all clothing.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
All movies:
Enter X buttonA buttonB buttonY buttonB buttonX buttonA buttonA button as a code to unlock all movies.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
All messages:
Enter Y buttonX buttonB buttonX buttonY buttonA buttonX buttonY button as a code to unlock all messages.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
Play as Flash:
Enter Y buttonA buttonA buttonB buttonA buttonY buttonY buttonX button as a code to unlock Flash.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
Play as DJ Green Lantern:
Enter B buttonB buttonY buttonA buttonX buttonA buttonY buttonB button as a code to unlock DJ Green Lantern. While playing as him, press  for new actions.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
Play as Shane:
Enter X buttonA buttonY buttonA buttonY buttonB buttonY buttonA button Sas a code to unlock Shane.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
Play as Skip to My Lou:
Enter B buttonA buttonB buttonX buttonY buttonA buttonB buttonX button as a code to unlock Skip to My Lou.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
Enter B buttonY buttonX buttonX buttonY buttonB buttonA buttonB button as a code.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
Perfect field goals:
Enter X buttonA buttonB buttonX buttonA buttonB buttonY buttonY button as a code.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
Always on fire:
Enter X buttonY buttonA buttonY buttonB buttonA buttonX buttonB button as a code.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
No I-Ball move timing restriction:
Enter Y buttonX buttonB buttonB buttonX buttonX buttonB buttonY button as a code.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
Air Up There:
Enter A buttonY buttonY buttonB buttonY buttonA buttonX buttonB button as a code.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
The OG Way:
Enter Y buttonB buttonX buttonX buttonB buttonY buttonA buttonX button as a code.
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments
Recommended 3-on-3 team:
50% success rate 2 votes, 0 comments

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